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5 Pop Up Strategies to Supercharge your Landing Page

landing page pop ups

A landing page is the most crucial factor in putting a first good impression on the visitors. It can help take leads a notch higher if it is fancy enough to catch users’ attention.

A landing page is the MVP for your business to collect customer data without being too obvious. Once you learn how to create a landing page, you could start offering free eBooks, templates, and white papers to your visitors in a subtle exchange for information.

The free practices of providing something extra to the users can help your business grow and reach more people. It is a reliable marketing tool to increase visitor’s interest in your business and encourage them to invest in it.

Moreover, startups require marketing strategies that broaden the reach of the audience. Here are some strategies for marketing for startups.

These leads result from users finding the landing page informative and full of substance for them.

Let’s learn about the best practices of using pop-ups on a landing page to maximize reach and sales.

What is the landing page?

A landing page is the first piece of information that users see when they click on an ad or a post on social media accounts.

About 90% of visitors who read your headline will also read your call-to-action, which may help generate leads.

A landing page may be a product or a service in itself to cut costs. A site’s landing page’s primary function is to get the visitors to subscribe, sign up, leave contact information or email address. 

This may also include a purchase of a product or service. Simultaneously, visiting any e-commerce app or website, the first thing they prompt for is to sign up and create an account. This concept is the same on social sites, shopping sites, and informational sites.

Besides this, a landing page is full of focused data that describes the clear meaning of the company’s aim and products in general. 

This is what acquaints the user to the company and grabs the attention to build trust, which is crucial for any potential customer. The product’s awareness stage in people is essential to the marketing flywheel.

Moreover, the data you collect through the forms and sign-ups can create more strategies. 

The marketers may include more than one strategically placed free webinars, white papers, books, guides, free checklists, and more to encourage the users to invest time and money in their products. This, in turn, helps drive traffic to the landing page and other website pages as the user is benefitting from this information.

How does the landing page work?

The main principle of the landing page is the exchange of crucial information. With your product’s help, you can create a communication channel with the user. This exchange of valuable information with the users encourages them to share their contact information and email details with you.


The landing page has a give and a take mechanism with call-to-action in the form of a button, form, or a pop-up.

This data is valuable for the CRM system to work on potential leads. Moreover, it can track the lead status through sale deals and marketing stages.

Landing pages are useful to test your offer’s value level in the market with the relevant audience. Besides, with a single action button on the landing page, it gets simpler for the user to contribute towards conversions.

Different factors, like industry, services, products, and design, also determine customer behavior. Therefore, the landing pages are subjective to different business goals.

Innovative use of a landing page is essential to generate leads in the long term to cover up free services. The landing page should be catchy and relevant to the brand’s true essence.

landing page
Source: spdload.com

5 Best Pop Up Strategies

Pop-ups are easy to grab the uses’ attention as they are hard to ignore. They add value to the services and the users.

Moreover, it has a 100% view rate crucial for marketing and leads.

Below are some ways to strategize the pop-ups on your landing page.

  • Hidden Form

Now, pop-ups are quite in the face as they usually display over other information on the website. This has to be nullified with the quality of hard to ignore information on them.

So, hiding a form on the landing page is an effective strategy to use pop-ups. A landing page without too many visible form fields leads to a much better conversion rate.

Besides, these pop-ups should be easy to minimize and quit so that they don’t affect the user experience. 

  • First-Time Buyer Discount

If you visit any e-commerce sites, you will notice the pop-up has information about a discount code. This discount code over the first purchase encourages the users to register and sign up even when they don’t make a purchase.

Moreover, some websites send coupon codes over emails to ensure the user provides a valid email address. 

landing page pop ups

These one-time buyer discounts are a win-win for the users and the company. Providing these as a pop-up makes the user aware of these perks before making a purchase.

A person interested in products and services will be delighted to see the discount codes or free items. You may take inspiration from some creative website popup designs and examples to expand your business.

By adding a first-time discount and reminding them to complete the purchase, you’ll ensure this encouragement works for them to come back for more.

Also, ensure to send notifications if there is something left behind in the cart. Most of the users abandon their cart after a while, intentionally and unintentionally. 

Many users may feel registration is too long, or they don’t trust the payment procedure.

Moreover, it could be due to card declining or unsuccessful payment. These reminders may make them finish the purchase or browse some more for another attempt.

  • A Free Content Bonus

The free content should be relevant and free from any filler. Landing page pop ups oftentimes interrupt the users while they are scrolling through the landing page and probably in the middle of reading something. But if you use them correctly, everyone benefits from using pop ups.

They should be intriguing enough for the users to see the value and relevance. It may be a way to improve the user experience with the content specific to their needs.

The exclusive type of content helps users go through these pop-ups to get the free content bonus. This could be an unlock feature for the valuable content after the users provide their email.

A simple split test has been shown to increase conversion rates by 28.9%. The use of progress bars will make the user willingly sign up or provide email details in exchange for the free information bonus.

  • Limited Time Deal

You may have noticed on several e-commerce sites there is a countdown regarding offers and deals. This countdown follows the user no matter where they scroll over the landing page.

It makes the user realize the urgency of the promotional deals, discounts, and sales on products. This can make them purchase before the time runs out to avail of a deal or offer. 

This has to be something hard to miss that adds up value to the user’s investment.

Moreover, these embedded countdown timers do not hinder the user experience as they are over the web page’s header or footer. These are simple reminders for the users to act on fear of missing out.

  • Drive Traffic to Email-Gated Landing

Pop-ups effectively provide a subtle navigation path to the users over your site. As you know, they have a 100% visual rate; people will give them a quick read before minimizing them.

landing page pop ups

You may add a sale offer or a free course offered over the landing page to lead the users to this one product or service page. 

This helps in promoting one single service with the use of landing page pop ups. There should be constant work to make the newsletter sign-ups, free content downloads, and sales go smooth on the landing pages.

Learn some creative offers that you can put on your email popups to drive more leads, subscribers, and customers.

Wrapping Up

As there is no quick solution to a hundred percent lead-generating landing page, you may get gradual results with these landing page pop-up techniques. These strategies are effective for startups and old websites looking to revamp their services and products.

Furthermore, test your landing page pop ups accurately so that you are ready for what to expect from it. With good content, design, and offers, your sales will considerably improve.