Reverse links allow you to go from one page of the site to another. They significantly improve the quality of the Internet resource, generate traffic, and help gain search engines’ support.
Why Use SEO links
Your site needs backlinks for three reasons:
1. Improve search engine rankings
Search engines consider such links an indicator of trust from users. A large amount of trust and popularity means a better place in search results for relevant queries. Consequently, in this way, you get more organic traffic.
2. Make your site easier to find
With backlinks, search engines will find your web resource much faster. After all, they are constantly checking for available pages with new links from readable sites.
3. Improve referral traffic
Do you know what you need to buy quality backlinks for? So that users will click on them if they are interested in something.
When a user clicks on a link from another resource to your online platform, you get referral traffic. This concept means the total number of clicks to your web page from other online resources.
How to Create High-quality and Useful Backlinks
As per the latest research on link building, the majority of marketers (58.1 percent) believe that backlinks have a substantial influence on search engine rankings.
Don’t know how to get backlinks? Read 5 secrets of getting backlinks fast to improve the indexing of your site.
Relevance to the topic
Google reads meaningful links that are relevant to the topic. The reason is simple: such pages are used by users more often. Consequently, if backlinks from resources about apartment renovation lead to the online site of a construction company, the result will be better. Not matching the subject can eliminate any benefit from placing backlinks on a particular site.
The level of authority
Backlinks from “strong” pages often have high authority. But it’s not all that clear-cut. Sometimes strong pages don’t have such high authority. Google decides this, and it has certain patents that explain how backlink authority is determined.
Another factor that affects authority is internal links, which means we’re talking about links within your site.
More traffic
Backlinks from pages that are visited more often provide more referral traffic. It will be higher than from less visited pages. Also, significantly more visited links will impact search engine placement.
Proper placement
Undoubtedly, bright and catchy links make people click on them. That is why they should be placed in an area where the page’s main focus is. Additionally, highlight the backlinks using fonts and colors and accompany them with a description. This will increase the chances of clicking on them.
Links that are not scanned by search engines
Backlinks with a no-follow attribute often do not affect your search engine ranking. However, they are also essential to use in your SEO linking strategies. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on building all types of links.
Extra tip: think about attractive anchor text
What is anchor text? It’s the backlink text that the user sees. Google claims that it has an impact on search engine rankings.
Link Building Features in 2021
Today, backlinking takes much more time and effort than it did a few years ago.
Link ranking factors have not lost their importance to Google search robots. Moreover, by increasing the number of unique external links, you can quickly improve a site’s ranking. Other search engines rank sites based on traffic and behavioral factors. Good link mass leads to a promoted resource of interested and active users.
What links will work in 2021?
Develop a link profile by focusing on quality, not quantity. Links should be placed on reputable donor sites for guest posting, and they should look as natural as possible.
What you should pay attention to when choosing a donor:
- High traffic (on average, from 10,000 people per day);
- The presence of useful and engaging content (full disclosure of the topic, the presence of photos, graphs, charts, tables, videos, as well as comments under the posts);
- Complete absence or a few advertising banners. The volume of advertising should not exceed 30% compared to the useful content.
- No spam. The more hyperlinks are on the site, the less attractive it is for link building.
- Absence of viruses.
- Transparent subject, identical to the theme of the site being promoted. For example, if you want to leave backlinking on a mobile game, you must find a donor on the subject of cell phones or online games.
- The age of the site is at least 12 months.
- The relevant geolocation.
- The position in the search (better links work from sites-donors that are in the top 20 on the right requests).
The search and analysis of donor sites nowadays take a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it.
Placing backlinks in link directories, services for press releases, and low-traffic Internet resources will not negatively affect SEO promotion.
You can use several types of links in your high-quality backlinks building strategy:
- Contextual links (these links are placed in topical surrounding text);
- Links on forums, and discussion services (these links are also called crowdsourced links. They help users to solve a particular problem or query, which positively affects the page ranking);
- Submitting links (submits are links to a site that allow users to submit information about the site);
- Links in presentations and PDF files (such files are well indexed by search engines. This is especially important if the instructions are posted on other resources to be searched and downloaded by users);
- Outreach links (these are affiliate backlinks. For example, you have a store of construction equipment that sells different brands’ products. Then you can agree to place a link from the local brand site to your resource).
Ensure that the number of different types of links for your site is constantly growing. You should not use only one type of backlink. It would help if you tried to use 3-4 types of links to get the results you want.
If you don’t know how to negotiate with website owners for backlinks, use a special service. Visit here to learn more about buying backlinks with a guarantee.
How to Check Backlinks for any Site
There are ways to do backlink research: one that will work if it’s your site, and another that will help you find data about other sites or pages.
You can use Google Search Console for your personal site.
You can use it to find out organic search traffic and the overall performance of your online site. What do you need for this? By the number of External links, you will know how many unique backlinks to your resource exist.
Your site’s backlinks report will tell you information about the following pages:
- Top linked page (the list of pages on your web resource to which the largest number of links leads);
- Top linking sites (a list of web resources with the most backlinks to you);
- Top linking text (key anchor statements commonly used to link to your resource).
We recommend that you start by analyzing the top linked pages for beginners. Then click on the suggested URL in the list. This will show you the web resources that link to the page that matches it.
We recommend using external services to track links in addition to services from search engines. As a rule, they find new links faster, have a more user-friendly interface, and often have more complete data.
You can use the Ahrefs Backlink Checker tool to analyze your competitors’ sites.
With this paid tool, you can find out the following about backlinks:
- Referring page;
- Domain Rating (DR, that is, the rating of the Internet resource that refers);
- URL Rating (UR, i.e., the rating of the referring page);
- Traffic that is the estimated average monthly organic search traffic to the referring page;
- Anchor and backlink, which is the anchor and description surrounding the link.
However, similar services offer similar functionality, including,,, and others. The choice is up to you.
Now you know how to create backlinks with high efficiency. Link building remains one of the most effective ways to increase your rankings and attract more traffic. It is also the most precise way to achieve this goal.
Older ways of building backlinks are gradually becoming useless or even harmful to sites. Now the “white” methods are becoming relevant, which will soon become almost indistinguishable from content marketing.
This means that the advantage in search results will go to marketers who know how to implement advanced link-building techniques and link their domain to the right sites.