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Video Marketing Trends: Experts Highly Recommended [Updated 2022]

The human brain is highly receptive to images and videos. Such content is committed to memory and retained for a longer time. In recent years, brands have realized this trend and started leveraging the power of video in their marketing campaigns.

The year 2020 faced a major blow due to the pandemic, and businesses had to operate remotely. The sudden, drastic movement to the digital world accelerated the popularity of video as a promotional medium. Estimates say that by 2022, about 82% of global traffic will be from streaming videos and downloads.

In such a situation, brands and organizations that incorporate video marketing have an edge over the competition. In this article, we will highlight the latest video marketing trends that will enable us to have a better picture of how to leverage its benefits.

Real-time Video Shopping

Real-time shopping is a boon for millennials, a generation that suffers from a major fear of missing out (FOMO). Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have shoppable video content available for limited creators. 

In the coming days, we expect that this will expand, and brands that are not online retailers of physical products will also be given the chance to leverage such videos. Brands that have a younger demographic as the target group will especially benefit from this type of video marketing.

Product Videos for Landing Pages

The major perk of having videos on your landing page is the fact that they do a brilliant job at setting the mode and building the tone of the page. That way, the audience is more receptive, and your messages have better clarity.

If you are into e-commerce, then you must have produced videos for the items that you offer. Such videos will give the viewer a better understanding of the item that they will spend money on. There will be more realistic expectations set, thus minimizing the risk of disappointment or bad online reviews.

Live Videos

As of 2021, an average person watches over 16 hours of video per day. It has led content creators to come up with fresh content and, today, there is no dearth of video options. In such a situation, the best way to reach out to your potential customers would be through live videos. Since live videos are available for just 24 hours, users suffer from a major FOMO. Facebook users spend 3 times the time watching live content as compared to the time they spend on uploaded videos.

With live videos, people make the effort to watch the video and understand its content. For a brand that is looking to expand its reach, having a receptive audience helps make things easier. These days most social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube have the provision of live videos that brands can leverage.

Cross Promoting Video Content

Platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram have high incoming content and can fail to build traffic after a point. As a brand, you will be investing significant efforts in creating and posting video. The best way to maximize the gains on your effort is by cross-promoting the content across multiple digital platforms.

For example, you can create a long-form promotional video that can be posted on YouTube as well as on the brand’s website. The video can then be transcribed into a SEP optimized article that can be shared to drive better traffic. Vertical videos, images, memes, and other short-form content can be chopped from such a video when it can be furbished in the brand’s social media page.

Build Personal Relationships Through Video

The COVID pandemic has made people realize the importance of human bonds, and brands that strike a personal chord with the audience have an edge over the competition.  You can include videos in the email broadcast messages that you send to your customers.


While replying to comments on your social media posts, video GIFs help to keep matters interesting. That way, you can expect better user engagement and quicker relationship building. There is a 300% increase in the click-through-rate of emails with videos as compared to the ones without them.

Slow Motion Videos

A look at the latest video marketing statistics would reveal that such videos produce the most engaging content and and has been one of the most popular Instagram trends.. These catch the viewer’s attention in a matter of seconds and can be created without any professional skills.

As a brand, you can spend time brainstorming things around you that are relevant to your product or brand. Then, work on animating them through slow-motion videos that catch the audience’s attention. With tools like LifeLapse or even Instagram’s slow-mo filter, such videos can be created in a matter of minutes.

Leverage Raw Content

With the pandemic restricting movements, the creation of video content has also taken a hit. With necessity being the mother of innovation, newer forms of video content have been discovered and these are faring better than conventional videos.  Today six out of every ten people prefer watching online video content instead of television.

 As a brand, you can experiment with content that can be prepared from home, such as podcast interviews, informative Zoom podcasts, etc. If you’re having a hard time thinking about your next content, there is even professional-quality drone footage available out there for free. 

Testimonial Videos

While mobile video consumption has seen a steady increase in the past, the maximum increase in the last five years is seen in people above 45 years. Understand that this age group is the people who are more prone to rely on word-of-mouth while making a purchase. An efficient way of catching the attention of such people would be by ensuring your satisfied customers give you video testimonials of their experience with you.

A potential customer is more likely to relate with someone who has been in the same shoes as them. To make recording a testimonial easier, you can prompt your customer with a testimonial question. Moreover, since such videos are honest and raw, there will be minimal editing requirements, and you can create the content even if you do not have a prior video editing background.

Collaborate with Celebrity Influencers

You can also consider collaborating with top influencers that are relevant to your field. To catch the attention of such busy people, spend some time doing your homework.  Start by following the profiles of your favorite creators on LinkedIn and Facebook.


Then trace their activity to find the videos that they watch and ones they share. Spend time understanding the technical aspects of the video such as the formatting, background score, layout, etc. If you can produce video content that is like what they are interested in, you increase the chances of them being interested in a collaborative video.

Mobile Video Optimization

These days over 75% of videos are played on mobile devices and this makes it important for brands to optimize their videos for mobile viewing. Start by recognizing the importance of the portrait mode while filming your promotional videos.

Optimize the length of the video as well since shorter videos garner better views. You can consider using an intro and outro maker to ensure that your message is conveyed effectively.


Also, realize that certain social media platforms have videos on mute when playing automatically. That is why you can consider having subtitles or walking the extra mile and ensuring that the video is self-explanatory even without the subtitles.

Video Sequencing

Video sequencing is a relatively new concept when the content creator establishes video funnels. Here, when a potential customer watches a certain percentage of your video content, you can add them to a specific advertising audience. That way, they can be taken on a guided tour of video advertisements that are viewed in a particular order.

Although video sequencing is a relatively new concept in the world of social media marketing, the fact remains that the central idea of video sequencing is like the functioning of a television network show. In either case, the role of each video segment is to keep the viewer engaged and drive the story forward.

At the moment, LinkedIn is the only platform that allows brands the luxury of video sequencing. However, we expect this trend to grow in 2022, and more brands can leverage this in their video marketing strategies.

Informative Videos

Informative videos have been in action for years and yet continue to hold the central position in the world of video marketing. We expect that the trend will continue in 2022 as well, and brands that can establish themselves as market leaders are likely to make better sales.

Start by creating videos wherein you establish your industry experience by expressing your views on relevant current topics. If you are a brand that sells products that require assembling, make sure you create informative videos. That way, you will be simplifying the lives of your customers and ensuring that they stay loyal to your brand.

Thus, you see that the journey of video marketing is a long one, and brands that put in the effort stand at an advantage. With the twelve tips discussed in this article, you now know how to channelize your efforts and use that to drive the success of your brand.